Smart Ways To Enhance Your Sexuality After Breast Cancer

People go through a lot of physical and emotional pain after being diagnosed with cancer. The pain does not easily go away even after treatment. The effects of cancer in our bodies are far reaching. It affects how partners view women as sexual beings. The medics should help a lot in an effort to enhance sexuality after breast cancer. They should counsel the patient's partner and make them love their women's body just like before the illness. Breasts are major sexual organs to both women and men. One woman confessed that her breasts had been a playing a major role in her sex life until breast cancer was discovered.

The cancer was in her both breasts but she went through lumpectomy and radiation treatment. Lucky enough her breasts came out looking great. Despite this, her husband acted like they did not exist. She felt so much sexual rejection and would turn down sex all the time. Her husband's view of her sexuality after cancer had changed. A physician can do a lot to assure the man that cuddling, kissing and fondling the breasts will not in any way harm the breasts. A medic is also better placed to explain that the woman is not radioactive and that he cannot catch cancer. The woman's explanation might not be trusted but people tend to take doctor's word as the biblical truth. This will do a lot to enhance sexuality after breast cancer. The former love making habits will soon resume.

To correctly enhance your sexuality after breast cancer stop comparing yourself with others. Most people have wild imaginations about what happens in other people's bed rooms. Do not be fooled by the televisions, movies and magazines. All that is fiction. Research has revealed that people have much less sex than we imagine. The reported averages shows that people with age ranging from 50 to 60 do it about five times a month. Those with age ranging from 40-50 do it around six times a month while those ones between 30 and 40 age bracket has the highest number being seven times a month. People above 60 years still have sex but the frequency reduces with age.

Jane who is 78 years old says that she stopped being sexually active during breast cancer treatment but they resumed for the action at her own request. Most breast cancer survivors continue to enjoy their sex life even at old age. To enhance sexuality after breast cancer do not let sex myths about other patients block your own happiness. Remember exceptions are there in every special pattern. Talk to your doctor, dispel your fears and you will be able to replace myths with actual facts.

Breast cancer may sadly highlight the problems in your sexual relationship but you can still enjoy your sex life as you contemplate the missing link. To enhance sexuality after breast cancer might be hard but give it a serious thought. You will finally make it. Enrich your sex life with fantasy. Read romantic novels a lot as it has worked for many women. Meet your needs by making birthdays and anniversaries a big deal. This will bring back the happy mood which off course will enhance your sexuality in many ways.
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